Malay Chickens | Understanding Their Unique Characteristics

Malay Chickens

The 26–30 inch tall Malay chicken stands head and shoulders above the others among old landrace chicken breeds. It was believed that Malay people could supposedly gnaw on grain straight from a barrel or a dining room table! This breed’s tall stature results from its upright posture, long neck, legs, and overall build.


Among the massive Asian fowl brought to the West for the first time was the Malay chicken. Despite the breed’s distinctive look, it was deemed unsuitable for general use. The Malay has always had just as many haters as fans due to its reputation as a meat-producing fowl. While some praised the breed for its abundant meat production and hard grain, others said the flesh was too dry and gritty. Malay women don’t put extra weight on their breasts and are generally slim, which is an advantage in tropical regions.

History of Malay Chickens

Black Breast Red Malay chickens were the first officially acknowledged in 1883 by the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection. It wasn’t until 1981 that the diverse Pyle Malay breed was formally acknowledged.

The primary function of the Malay in dog breeds’ long history has been hybridization. This breed appears to give strong vitality, so many breeders have used it to revive lines of other Asian fowl, such as Longtails and Games.

Characteristics of Malay Chickens

Characteristics of Malay Chickens
  • The tallest and largest fowl is the Malay chicken. Its towering stature results from an unusual mix of a long neck, long legs, and an upright posture.
  • Because of their tall stature, long legs, and neck, they give the impression of being much more significant than they are. Malay chickens are distinct in many ways.
  • A roar is evocative of the short, harsh, and repetitive crow that roosters make. With its large skull and protruding eyebrows, this breed gives the impression of being aggressive and even vicious. The wattles of a Malay chicken are tiny, and the chicken tends to be breast-and throat-bare.
  • Their low and broad comb resembles a strawberry. They have a short, broad, and hooked beak. In Malaysia, Malay chickens are yellow in hue. Legs covered in enormous scales have a yellow color.
  • Their plumage is often close to the body, sparse, hard, thin, and shiny, lacking fluff. There will be a shimmer to their feathers when seen in the light. Unlike most breeds, they don’t have a lot of undercoat or fluff.
  • Roosters and hens of the standard Malay breed weigh around 5 and 4.1 kg, respectively. Moreover, bantam hens often weigh between 1.02 and 1.13 kg, and roosters typically weigh between 1.19 and 1.36 kg. Like other Asil chicken breeds, Malay chickens are native to Asia.

Types of Malay Chicken

Types of Malay Chicken
  • Black-Breasted Red Malay: Known for their black-breasted red coloration and upright, game bird-like stature. Black-Breasted Red Malays are often raised for exhibition and their historical significance in cockfighting.
  • Wheaten Malay: Recognized by their wheaten-colored plumage, Wheaten Malays are a variety of Malay chickens that also display the breed’s characteristic upright stance. They are primarily kept for ornamental and historical purposes.
  • Spangled Malay: Characterized by a spangled or speckled pattern in their plumage, Spangled Malays are another variety of Malay chickens. They are valued for their distinctive appearance and may be kept for exhibition.
  • Pyle Malay: Pyle Malays have a distinct color pattern with a white or light-colored body and colored neck hackles. They are often raised for exhibition and historical significance in cockfighting.
  • Cuckoo Malay: Identified by their cuckoo or barred plumage pattern, Cuckoo Malays are a variety known for their striking appearance. They may be kept for ornamental purposes and are recognized in poultry shows.
  • Duckwing Malay: Named for their duckwing coloration, which resembles the markings on a male mallard duck. Duckwing Malays are valued for their unique appearance and are sometimes raised for exhibition.
  • Birchen Malay: Exhibiting a birchen color pattern, Birchen Malays are known for their distinct feathering. They are raised for ornamental purposes and may be featured in poultry exhibitions.

Temperament of the Chicken

Malay chicken is unlike any other chicken you’ve ever seen; it has its distinct personality and way of behaving. When confined, their already problematic, quarrelsome behavior becomes much worse.

In addition to being intolerant of other roosters, the roosters might be violent. Anyone who gets too close to their hens might be attacked. They often consume one another’s feathers. Because of this, you should only raise hens in groups of two or three and never with more than one rooster.

Temperament of the Chicken

Chickens of the Malay variety are known for their resilience, vigor, and rough exterior. They are known for being vigorous and living a long life. Regular exercise is necessary for feathers to retain their tone and firmness.

Poor and only laid eggs part of the year, Malay hens are considered a poultry breed. They bring forth a clutch of eggs that are medium in size and have a light brown hue. Even though they’re not an excellent choice, they will go broody. Their small, narrow, tightly packed feathers make it difficult to cover many eggs, and their lengthy legs make it even more difficult for them to fit inside a nest.


Explore the world of Malay chickens and gain insights into their extraordinary features here at Sabong Worldwide. Whether you’re a poultry enthusiast or considering adding them to your flock, this comprehensive guide will help you understand and appreciate the distinctive qualities of Malay chickens.

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